Ellie was a Consultant in Anaesthetics and Intensive at Broomfield Hospital, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust 2003 – 2018. In 2016, she became Divisional Director for Medicine and Emergency Care and was appointed as Medical Director in 2017. In 2018, she left Mid Essex to pursue her career as a Medical Examiner at James Paget Hospital NHS Trust. She joined Royal Papworth Hospital in May 2019 as Medical Examiner. She is also the Regional Medical Examiner for the East of England.
Patient safety
MB BS 1991 United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’s
General Medical Council registration number 3492804
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists
Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
Member of the Royal College of Pathologists Medical Examiner division
Member of the East of England Clinical Senate Council
Tucker AT, Makings E, Benjamin N. The Ernest D. Cooke Study of a combined percutaneous local anaesthetic and nitric oxide generating system for venepuncture. Clinical Microvascular Unit, St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Anaesthesia 2002 May 57(5):429-33.