To find out if a book is available, please search our online catalogue Elms. Follow the short summary steps below.
Chosing Royal papworth will search only our own print and e-books collection. If you change the drop down menu to All libraries, you can search the collection in the East of England region. You can search by title, author, subject or other options. When you find the item you require, click 'place reservation' just below the book record. You will be prompted to log into your library account. You will be notified when the book is being processed and again when it's ready to be collected from the locker in the Multifaith room opposite the entrance to the restaurant.
If the item is not held by any libraries in our consortium, please email or phone us and we will see if we can arrange an inter-library loan from a different NHS library.
Your account is set up with autorenewal switched on. This means books will autorenew 3 times unless someone else places a reservation. You will receive an email notification either way. After 3 autorenewals you will need to contact the library if you wish to renew further. This may be possible depending on the book and library.
If you do not remember your login details, please email us and we can reset your PIN.
If the items are on loan from another library outside of the East of England, please email us and usually we will be able to renew them on your behalf.
Please search Elms to confirm if we already have the book you require. If we don’t have the item in our collection, then we may be able to locate a copy for you via interlibrary loan.
Log into your library account on Elms. On the left-hand side, click on 'your purchase suggestion' and complete the form. You can also go straight from this link and will be prompted to log into your account.
Every request will be given due consideration, and we will let you know the decision. Our preference is to purchase new titles in e-book format to allow access for multiple users.
Resource guides
Physiotherapy and cardiac rehab
Reading lists
Health & Wellbeing reading list
Sustainability Collection and reading list