This page has information and links for health information for patients, writing for patients and health literacy.
The Library and Knowledge Service provides access to several databases which have reliable, clearly written information, which can be shared with patients, their families, and carers, to help them understand health conditions and treatments. The databases are simple to use and the information aimed at patients can be easily found from both the homepages and within articles.
The guide below brings together a range of different Library resources for patient information which you may find useful as a starting point.
ClinicalKey – Search for patient information topics in the A-Z list and filter these by language and specialties. The patient information provided is broken down into questions which makes it easy for the patient to find the information they need. |
UpToDate – There is a dedicated section for ‘Patient Education’ in UpToDate which can be found in its contents. There are two levels of content for patients: The Basics and Beyond the Basics.To access from within Royal Papworth Hospital click here. To access from outside the hospital site, login with an OpenAthens account: |
BMJ Best Practice – There is a link to patient leaflets on the homepage which is a searchable A-Z list of a vast range of health conditions and topics. Relevant patient leaflets are also linked to within the topic summaries.Access is via OpenAthens: |
Easy Health - Easy read leaflets on a range of health conditions and topics: |
Plain English Campaign: Use these guides to get started writing in plain English to help your patients understand the health information given to them: |
NHS – content style guide : |
NHS – Guide to accessible information for people with a learning disability: |
eLearning for Healthcare – Find out more about health literacy and what you can do to help patients by enrolling in these Health literacy modules: |
The Health Literacy Place – NHS Scotland: |
Health Literacy Out Loud – Podcast interviews on health literacy: |